Copyright © WT. Foster Guitars.2020 All rights reserved.


wt. Foster Guitars artist policy is, EVERYONE generaly pays retail or special concederation pricing for their guitar. Every artist we support paid for their guitar.

Why do we do this?
We're not looking for artists who just want free guitars. Our artists believe in our product enough to pay for it. That's the loyalty we want and look for.
BUT if you really want to ask about becoming a Foster Guitars artist/ supporter, please use the form below. Here's a list of things to include:
-Band (current, past)
-WEBSITES: band website, facebook, instagram ect ect. 
*Specifically what model are you interested in?
Remember- We might have some demo's or lightly used models around that we can sell you cheaper, that's why it's important to tell us what model and color you'd be interested in

Standard shipping, insurance extra 

wt. Foster Guitars made in Canada

Connect with wt. Foster Guitars

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